Katy Perry - "ROAR" Music Video Analysis

  1. What is the concept of the video?
    That Katy is becoming the queen of the jungle after over-powering the tiger. This shows Perry as a strong independent woman, inspired by Tarzan, Indiana Jones and Lost, this shows intertextuality in the music video. Relating to Godwin’s theory, Perry is the star in this music video instead of hiring an actress for it, this will influence Perry’s fans to idolise her.
  2. What is the plot or narrative of the video?
    The plot/narrative starts by Perry being stranded in the jungle after a plane crash and her boyfriend gets eaten by a tiger and the music video is all about her journey finding the tiger who killed him. It’s then the coronation of her becoming the queen of the jungle after battling with tiger and overpowering it with her “roar”. 
  3. What elements of intertextuality can be seen?
    During the music video, we see different elements of intertextuality, from font to costume to inspiration from movies and TV series’. For example the text of the Indiana Jones title is similar to the font used for “Roar” in the video - as seen below.
  4. What are the main events in the plot?
    There are many main events in the plot, the first one being when the plane crashes into the jungle, being the whole reason why Perry and her boyfriend are stranded and creates the narrative. The second main event is when Perry’s boyfriend gets eaten by the tiger, this leaves her on her own and suggests to the audience by her reaction she is vulnerable and scared to be on her own but proves to be the binary opposite by overpowering the tiger with her “Roar”. Also when the tiger comes through the trap and the flap goes down, this makes the audience panic for Perry’s safety yet realise her bravery for being trapped with the tiger.
  5. How was the mise-en-scene managed?
    The mise-en-scene in this music video is used throughout with the use of bright lighting and colours, complimenting the animal print of Perry’s costume. The use of animal print for her costume links with the narrative of being the queen of the jungle, where the animals live. The bright lighting supports the energy and liveliness in the video too. The editing of the music video is cleverly done with the use of the tiger, because of course they won’t trap a real tiger with a pop star so this part is edited in. Edits are mainly used when there is a beat in the music to differentiate the scene change.
  6. What is the message of the video? How does this relate to Star Theory?
    The message of the music video is to prove that women can be independent and strong, as shown in the narrative as Perry becomes queen of the jungle after over-powering the tiger. This relates to Dyer’s star theory because it makes Perry’s audience admire her bravery which therefore idolises her fans which results in the institution making more money.
  7. How does the video relate to Todorov’s theory?
    This music video relates to Todorov’s theory because it starts with an equilibrium, the couple crashing in the jungle and finding ways to survive then the equilibrium is disrupted when Perry’s boyfriend is taken by the tiger. Perry then carries on her journey in the jungle, meeting all types of animals then eventually comes to meeting the tiger that ate her boyfriend, she then overpowers him which is the climax of the narrative and when this is over then equilibrium is restored and Perry becomes queen of the jungle, carrying on with the narrative.
  8. How does the video relate to Propp’s theory?
    Propp’s theory relates to this music video but not in its usual form,
    The Hero – the hero in this music video would be Perry herself for being the independent woman who survives in the video on her own.
    The Villain – the tiger would be the villain in this music video as he tries to stop her from her adventure and surviving.
    The Doner/Enabler –
    The Helper - the animals would be the help in this video as they accompany Perry on her journey.
    The Princess – the princess in this video would be Perry herself for saving herself.
The False Hero – Perry’s boyfriend who would’ve been the hero, but is killed in the disruption of the equilibrium.                                                                                                                                    
